Change macOS/iOS Network Settings to better connect to Enterprise Wireless Networks

Apple has introduced two features in iOS and macOS that could cause issues connecting to enterprise networks including hawkwifi.  These two settings are:

  • Private WI-Fi Address (iOS only)
  • Limit IP Address Tracking

Disabling these two settings will allow your macOS or iOS device to connect to hawkwifi more consistently and the connection should remain more stable.

iOS (16.X)

To change these settings on iOS, open settings and click on Wi-Fi. Click the details button on the hawkwifi network that you should be connected to. On the following screen is where you can toggle off "Limit IP Tracking" and "Private Wi-Fi Address".

iOS Screenshot of Wi-Fi settings


macOS Ventura (13.X)

To change these settings on macOS Ventura, open settings and click on Wi-Fi.  On the next screen click the details button on the hawkwifi network that you should be connected to.  On the following screen is where you can toggle off "Limit IP Tracking".

macOS screenshot of Wi-Fi settings


macOS Monterey (12.X)

To change these settings on macOS Monterey, open system preferences and click on Network. On the next screen click the Wi-Fi icon on the left. On the window to the right side is where you can toggle off "Limit IP Tracking".

SCreenshot of Wi-Fi settings in macOS Monterey

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Article ID: 150017
Wed 3/1/23 9:02 AM
Wed 2/14/24 9:32 AM