How do I Change my Preferred Name?

Tags Seanet name


How do I change my preferred name?


All faculty, staff and students have the ability to change their preferred name.

  1. Login to SeaNet and choose "Secure Login for Faculty, Staff and Students." You may also login to SeaNet through mySeaport.

  2. On the main menu, select "Personal Information" from either the top tab or the menu.

  3. Then, click "Enter Preferred First Name" at the bottom of the list.
  4. Type in your preferred first name in the box in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.
  5. Please remember to hit "Submit" to ensure that preferred first name is saved.

*Please note: Any faculty, staff or student at the University of North Carolina Wilmington can indicate their preferred first name to the university community regardless of whether or not they have legally changed their name. This option applies to first name only and only if your preferred first name differs from your legal first name. There is no need to submit a change if it mirrors your current legal first name.

Choosing a preferred first name in our student information system changes your name as it appears in many internal locations such as the online campus directory, SeaNet, mySeaport, email alias, grade reports, class rosters, advisee lists, etc.

If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.

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Article ID: 73925
Mon 3/18/19 9:32 AM
Fri 2/16/24 9:09 AM