All faculty and staff have the ability to submit a project request.
- Open mySeaport.

- Select "Browse our Service Catalog" in the "Submit a Help Ticket." box

- Select "Reporting, Surveys & Forms, ITS Projects ("
- Select "ITS Project Management ("
- Select "ITS Project Requests ("
- Select "Request Projects" in the upper right hand of the window.
- Please note that prior to submitting your project request, you must obtain management level authorization.
- Complete all "required fields," which are marked with red asterisks.
- For a more detailed request, please also complete the pertinent non-required fields.
- If you have questions about what each request box means, click the question mark above the box for a description.
- After this page is completed go back to the top and select "Save."
- You can always go back and edit your request even after saving.
- On the next page select "Review and Submit."

- On the next page you are given the opportunity to provide additional information.

- Click "Systems Affected" on the left panel to add any systems that you believe will be affected by the project.
- Choose the green "Add" button to add systems.
- Add one system at a time from the drop-down menu (or choose "other" from the drop-down and enter the system in the comments box).
- After you are done, select "Mark Complete."
- Select "Files" to upload any files you would like to include in your project request. After you are done, select "Mark Complete."
- Select "Risk Register" to add any risks you would like to include in your project request. After you are done, select "Mark Complete."
- On the main part of the page select "Mark and Complete and Submit."
- If you have left any sections incomplete a window will pop up giving you the option to go back and complete them. If you want to make updates, select “Cancel” otherwise select “Mark Complete and Submit.”

- Finally, you will see this window, indicating that your request has been submitted.

To understand what happens to a request once it has been submitted please review:
How Does the IT Project Request Approval Process Work?
Click here to Submit an ITS Project Request or CHAT with TAC