How does the IT Project Request Approval Process work?


All faculty, staff and students have the ability to enter a project request.

The IT Project Request Review process is designed to review and evaluate all submitted project proposals promptly.  There are three primary phases of the process.


  1. Project Request Submitted- Business Stakeholder submits project proposal via myTAC using The IT Project Request option in the service catalog.  

  2. Project Proposal Reviewed - The ITS Project Management Team reviews all ITS Project Requests for completeness and thoroughness. The IT Project Management Team may contact the requester directly for additional details & clarity. Please provide all relevant background details related to the proposed solution and the issue being addressed/fixed when submitting your ITS Project Request to minimize any additional time required to fully understand the request.   
  3. Project Request Adjudicated – The Project Request will be approved if the following criteria is met:
    • Proposed solution is technically feasible.
    • Proper funding and approval have been attained.
    • Another solution does not already exist for the problem.
    • The solution is not in conflict with the overall IT Infrastructure strategy.

    ​​​If any of the above criteria is not met the request will be denied and returned to the requester. Typically, before denying a request, the ITS Project Management team will discuss the project with the requester. 

    Project Requests may also be Conditionally Approved. In this case, the request will remain on hold until the required conditions have been met. Reasons for conditional approval can be: (not an exhaustive list) 

    • ITS project team resource availability.
    • ITS technical team availability.
    • Awaiting purchasing approval.
    • IT governance prioritization required.
    • Further testing required to determine feasibility.

    Project requests are reviewed weekly. For larger requests IT Governance Approval may be required.  

    The status of Requests can be checked in myTAC.

    How do I Check the Status of a Project Request?

If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.

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Mon 6/26/23 11:35 AM
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