All faculty and staff have the ability to provide their teaching assistants access to class distribution lists and online rosters.
*Please note: For security reasons, permissions to send to class distribution lists and to access online rosters and photos are limited to faculty, staff and teaching assistants (TA).
The following must be true in order to grant teaching assistants these permissions:
- They must be a graduate student.
- They must be defined as "Active Faculty" in Banner.
- They must be attached to the class in Banner.
- They must be entered into HR as a "Teaching Assistant."
The information below must be entered into Banner and EPAF systems, at the departmental level, in order to provide this access. Once this process is completed, the TA will be granted permissions within 24 hours.
- The TA needs to be defined as Faculty on "SIAINST" in Banner. The category must be set to "TA" (Teaching Assistant).
Your college’s Business Officer or Dean’s Office can assist with this step.

- In "SSASECT," on the "Meeting Times and Instructor" tab, the TA must be attached to the class.
Please contact your departmental admin for this step.
Example: Below, Andrew Miller is a TA tied to BIO 201.

- A Teaching Assistant job assignment must be entered using EPAF (Electronic Personnel Action Form). This can be verified on the Banner HR form "NBAJOBS."
- The employee class for the Graduate TA will always be "GR."
- Verify that the job assignment has a current date. If a future date is used, the TA will get access after that date is reached.
If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.