Select faculty and staff have access to the project module within TeamDynamix.
To best maintain the accuracy of our project system, all active projects are required to have an updated status entered by the project manager or alternate manager at least once a month.
*Please note: There are multiple paths to navigate to a project to update details.
- Navigate to My Work>My Managed Projects.
- Click on the Project Name
- At the top of the screen choose the green "Update Status" button and fill in necessary fields.

- In the Status window, select the appropriate Status for your project.
- If there is no anticipated activity happening on a project for 2 or more months, the project should be placed on hold.
- When placing a project on hold, include an "On Hold Until" date; no project status updates will be required up thorough the On Hold Until Date
- In the comments include an overview of the hold reason and what needs to occur for the project to be moved back into an active working status.
- Update the Health based on the following criteria:
- Green - on track for successful completion/no issues
- Yellow - at risk with identified corrective actions/project has some issue but will complete successfully. Monitor closely
- Red - at risk of completing successfully with no corrective actions. Requires Leadership support
- Update the Percent Complete based on the current percent complete for the project.
- The Comment section should include.
- List of accomplishments and/or issues since the last update.
- Next major actions planned.
- Any issues that require attention/monitoring (with yellow and red status).
- Click the Save button before closing the window.
If you need further assistance, please contact the ITS Project Management Team.