How do I Use Related Articles to associate Knowledge Base Articles?



All staff members with Knowledge Base Create/Edit permissions have the option to Relate Knowledge Base articles.

You can quickly add Related Articles to any Knowledge Base article you own. In order to add a Related Article to a Knowledge Base article, follow these steps:

  1. Open the knowledge article that you want to add a related article to, then click "Edit" article.

  2. From the list of tabs at the top, click "Related Articles".
  3. Search for the knowledge article you would like to link, either by typing in the search or clicking the magnifying glass.
  4. Once you have selected an article to link, click "Add".
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have associated all desired knowledge articles with the knowledge article you are editing. All "Related Articles" will appear in a section titles "Related Articles" along the right side of the article beneath the knowledge article's details panel.


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