How Do I Submit Board of Trustees (BOT) Materials to the Web Team for PDF Assessment and/or Web Content Creation?

Questions Answered in this Article


Only team members who are involved in preparing materials for BOT sessions should submit materials to the Web Team.

*Please note: Only submit materials to the Web Team that are for the public Board of Trustees (BOT) site (open session materials). The Web Team does not review or assess materials intended for the private site (closed session materials). These materials should be checked for accessibility by the content creator.

Submitting Materials to the Web Team

TECH TIP: If you are working with EPPC materials, please do not use the instructions below. Instead, reach out to Megan Kauzlaric. She coordinates all EPPC materials. For all other materials, please use the instructions below.

  1. Ensure your materials are accessible prior to submitting a ticket.
    If you need help, we recommend taking our Digital Accessiblity Series through the Dare to Learn Academy.

  2. Prior to submitting a request, make sure your documents have the General Council verbiage on the first page. That verbiage is below. Please replace "INSERTname", the phone number and "" with the correct information:
    "This document is intended for print purposes. If you need this in another format, please contact INSERTname at 910-962-XXXX or"

  3. To submit your materials, please use our UNCW Websites Issues & Modifications request.

  4. Under "Requestor" you should see your name, please replace your name with "Jennifer Groves" (

  5. In the, "What would you like to request?" section, please select "PDF Requests & Assessments".

  6. Continue to complete the form by answering the questions.

  7. In the, "Can you tell us anything else about why you need this PDF?", please indicate that it is for the upcoming BOT meeting.

  8. In the, "Please provide any other details that may assist us in resolving your issue" open text box area, please provide the following:

    • Provide a OneDrive link to your materials.

    • If applicable: Instructions on how to post your materials, such as the posting order and names for documents.

  9. Alternate method of sending us documents if you do not want to use a OneDrive folder: Towards the end of the form, please attach all materials (the PDF and the source document) that need to be reviewed by the Web Team.

    TECH TIP: You can upload more than one document to the request; however it needs to be done at one time using multi-select. To do this, all documents will need to be in the same folder. See below for instructions on uploading additional documents after ticket creation.
    When you are finished, click "Request".

Create a OneDrive Folder, Upload Your Materials & Share the Link 

*Please note: The easiest method of sharing your documents is to create a OneDrive folder and share the link with us in the ticket description. If you makes updates to a document in your OneDrive folder, please let us know by updating the ticket. 

  1. Navigate to your OneDrive folder.

  2. Create a BOT Materials Folder. We recommend creating sub-folders to organize your materials by the specific meeting, i.e. "January 2022". 

  3. Upload your materials to the folder for the specific meeting.

  4. To learn how to share a OneDrive Folder, please follow the instructions found in Microsoft's knowledge base, How do I Share OneDrive files and folders?

Attaching Additional Materials to Your Request

  1. To add additional items to your request, please visit

  2. Locate and select the request you submitted for BOT materials review (it may help to know the ticket number).

  3. At the very top (under the title of your request) select, "Add attachment".

  4. Continue to add all attachments until finished.

  5. Scroll down until you see the "Feed" section.

  6. Click on the "comment" button (towards the right of "Feed").

  7. Insert a comment letting the Web Team know you have uploaded additional documents for review.

  8. Ensure you "notify" the Web Support Team and/or Danielle Ferrell by selecting one of these options from the "notify" dropdown.

If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.

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