How do I Troubleshoot my TurningPoint Clicker?


How do I troubleshoot my TurningPoint clicker?


All faculty, staff and students have the ability to troubleshoot common TurningPoint clicker issues.

*Please note:   Before beginning the troubleshooting steps below, please reference the following Knowledge Base Articles to ensure you have followed the basic set-up of your TurningPoint Account and Clicker Registration.  

If the above knowledge articles did not resolve your issue, below are some additional troubleshooting steps.


If the clicker says "No Linkup On Channel" when you attempt to submit a response:

  1. This happens when a clicker cannot detect a receiver. First, make sure you are on the correct channel. Your professor can tell you what channel to be on. In general, we typically make the channel the last two digits of the room number you are in.
  2. If your clicker appears to be on the correct channel, and others are submitting responses without issues, then this is likely a hardware failure in the clicker.
    • Change the batteries, and see if that resolves the issue.
    • If new batteries don't resolve the issue, then you will need to use a different clicker. Clickers can be purchased through the "Student Store" in your TurningPoint Account, or at the University Bookstore. Be sure to register your new device in your TurningPoint account.

If the clicker shows the dot-dot-checkmark, but the professor is showing that you did not respond:

  1. It is possible that you are actually "sending a message" instead of submitting a response. If you are entering a menu and selecting "send message," then you are essentially sending the professor a text via the Clicker system, not responding to the question.
  2. To submit a response, you need to press the button that corresponds with your answer.

If the previous solution did not work, check what your clicker is actually transmitting as its ID:

  1. Press the upper right menu button on the clicker to turn it on, and then press it again to select the "Wrench" icon to access the settings menu.
  2. Scroll through the settings with the arrow keys to get to "Device Info," and press enter.
  3. Verify that the code displayed on the screen is the same as the code printed on the back.
  4. If it is different, you will need to go to your TurningPoint account and register the correct Device ID to your account instead of the one printed on the back. Instructions for registering your clicker can be found in the How do I Register a Clicker with a TurningPoint Account? knowledge base article.

If you need further assistance, submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.

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