Clickers Issues & Training

Why request this service?

A clicker is a device that can integrate into a PowerPoint presentation and allow students to participate by submitting responses to questions and viewing immediate feedback. In turn, the presenter can engage students, assess learning, gather data and enhance the presentation. The currently supported Clicker solutions are Top Hat and TurningPoint. Clickers can also be used as an alternative to Scantrons for a test taking environment, where students are still given a paper test and can answer at their own speed and order in the “Self-Paced Polling” environment. Clickers can be purchased in the UNCW Bookstore or online.

Submit this ticket for issues, troubleshooting or training involving the use of Clicker technology.

Who can request this service?

Faculty, Staff and Students

Are there any fees or additional costs?

Software is free on UNCW instructor stations and for individuals to download. Students purchase clickers and/or apps for their phones and devices through the UNCW bookstore.

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