How Do I Complete a Computer Transfer Request?


All faculty and staff have the ability to transfer a UNCW-owned computer asset.

*Please note:  For computer inventory to remain accurate, a Computer Transfer Request must be submitted when a computer is assigned to another person, department, or moved to a different location. This action will update the inventory details for the computer in TIMS, and initiates the process of having the computer re-imaged by the ITS computer service technician.

  1. Open a "Computer Transfer Request." 
  2. Select which type of transfer you are requesting, transferring within the department, to another department or the location of the computer. 
  3. Type in the service tag/serial number of the computer. If you are unable to locate the service tag/serial number or you do not know the service tag/serial number please enter "Not/Unknown."

    TECH TIP: For Dell Computers: The service tags are located on a silver sticker on the case. For Mac: you will need to click on Apple Icon located on the top-left portion of the screen. Select "About this Mac" to display the serial number.

  4. If you require assistance from ITS to reconnect the computer to the network (after the computer has been moved), you will select "Yes".
  5. Depending on the request type that you have selected you will be asked to provide additional information.
    1. If you are transferring from one owner to another owner in the same department you will need to provide the name of the current owner, and the new owner, and the building/room of the new owner.
    2. If you are transferring from one department to another department you will need to provide the name of the current owner, name of the new owner, the department of the new owner, and the building/room of the new owner.

      *Please note: When a computer is being transferred from one departments inventory in TIMS to another departments inventory you will be asked to provide the name of the Asset Authority for the department that is approving the transfer of the computer out of inventory and receiving the computer.

  6. If you are transferring the computer to a new location because the computer has been moved by the existing owner/department to a new location you will need to provide the new building/room.
  7. You will be asked to also select how the computer will be "classified" after the transfer is completed. 
  8. Because all computers that are transferred from one person to another or one department to another require an ITS technician to re-image the computer,  you will be asked to provide the software that will need to be reinstalled in the computer during the re-image process.
  9. Click "Submit."

    To check the status of the request:
    • Go to the myTAC portal Home Page.
    • Click on myTAC Tickets under Helpful Quick Links & Info.
    • Change the search criteria at the top and click the Search button to see your ticket history.

*Please note: Make certain that the computer remains in a secure location until it has been transferred. If the computer needs to be physically moved, it requires a separate request with Moving Services. Additionally, when transferring computers from one owner to another, the Client Solutions Technician will refresh the computer and remove all previous data. 

If you need further assistance, submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.

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