All faculty and staff have the ability to surplus a UNCW-owned computer, mobile device or server with approval from their Asset Authority.
Computer and Mobile Device Surplus
- Open "Surplus Request For A Computer, Mobile Device, or Server" form and complete all required fields.
- Choose your Asset Authority (AA), who is typically your director, department chair or budget authority.
- Your AA will be notified and after they approve the request, Surplus Property will pick up the device and deliver it to a secure location to prepare for data removal and disposal.
- If you have a viable device (less than 4-5 years old) that you no longer need and wish to transfer to another person or department, please complete the Computer Transfer Requests form.
*Please note: Make certain that the equipment remains in a secure location until it has been picked up by Surplus Property.
If you need further assistance, submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.