Computer Transfer Requests

Why request this service?

When a computer is transferred to a new location or person, this form is completed to correct departmental inventory records. And, if transferring to a new person, an ITS technician will be dispatched to remove all data and to reconfigure the computer. 

ITS does not physically relocate departmental equipment. Please submit this request after the move has been completed by either the department or by Moving Services.


*Please note: If you need to request to have 5 or more computers transferred, update this spreadsheet Transfer Multiple Computers and attach to the request prior to clicking the submit button. 

*Please also note: To retire a computer to Surplus Property, please be sure to complete the Surplus Request Form

What are the features of this service?

For the person receiving this device, this service includes installing UNCW standard software, connecting peripherals (e.g. printers) and transferring data.  Additional software installation requests must include a valid proof-of-purchase or license code for the technician to install the software.

Getting Started:

  • Be sure the equipment is in its new location before submitting this request.
  • If this request requires the installation of software that is not included in the UNCW standard software package, please include this information on the request form. 
  • Begin to relocate all data files from prior devices to OneDrive. Your ITS Client Solutions Technician can also assist you with this.

Who can request this service?

Faculty and staff with a university owned computer.

Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for this service.

Submit a Ticket

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