Video Recording Services

Service Overview

Request this service if you would like to reserve a Lightboard Studio or a Distance Education Classroom or to request assistance with the desktop recording software (Echo360).

Available To

Faculty, Staff and Students


Capture or record classes, presentations or related media content using:

  1. Echo 360 capture software.
  2. Distance Education classrooms.
  3. Mobile recording equipment (available upon request).
  4. Lightboard Studio.

Getting Started

When deciding which service to select, keep the following features in mind. Lightboard is a glass chalkboard allowing instructors to create video lectures and directly interact with handwritten notes and diagrams while facing a camera.
Distance Education Classrooms have cameras, microphones, and technicians available to record lectures, classes and special presentations for individuals or large groups (up to 60).

Fees/Additional Costs

No additional fees or costs

Submit a Ticket

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