Distance Education (DE) Technology Consultation & System Design

Why request this service?

Consultation, design, and integration of new and refurbished distance education classrooms, conference rooms, and technology enhanced spaces across campus.

Submit this ticket for assistance with:

  1. Consultation services for distance education classroom and technology purchases/upgrades (e.g. equipment/technology pricing and recommendations).
  2. Design services for new construction and renovation of distance education classrooms, offices, and other facilities.
  3. Ensuring that new technology adheres to the university's baseline standards for DE selection, installation, and support.

What are the features of this service?

Consulting for use of technology for Distance Education Learning, conferences, and technology proficient rooms. 

Who can request this service?

Faculty & Staff

Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for this service.

Submit a Ticket

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