UNCW Mobile Device Requests

Service Overview

This service should be used to purchase and activate University owned cell phones, pagers, SIM cards, Hot Spots, and Tablets.

This service should not be used if you are requesting a mobile device allowance. Please see the Communication Allowance Program for additional details.

Available To

Faculty and Staff


This service provides cell phone service for business use only except in an emergency. The cell phone policy can be accessed at the following: Cell Phone Policy.

You can request to purchase a new UNCW owned mobile device, disconnect a device, reconnect a device, transfer a device or request an upgrade. 

Fees/Additional Costs

Fees vary based on device and service requested.

*Please note:  Approvals from your Associate or Assistant Vice Chancellor, Department Head, and Budget Authority are required for new purchases, reconnects and upgrades. You will also be asked to provide the Fund/FOAP number so that any fees or additional cost can be charged accordingly.

Submit a Ticket

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