Asset Authority/Asset Coordinator Access Request

Why request this service?

Submit this request to add or remove an Asset Authority or Asset Coordinator for your department.

Responsibilities of the Asset Authority

Asset Authorities are typically the budget authority for the department and are responsible for providing oversight and final approval for technology asset related matters. Asset Authorities sign off on technology inventory audits completed in TIM Verify, transfers of asset to another department and all surplus requests.

Responsibilities of the Asset Coordinator

Asset Coordinators are primarily tasked with managing department assets with oversight from the department Asset Authority. This includes tasks such as tracking computer inventory, updating TIM Verify and ensuring that assets are appropriately transferred and sent to surplus by employees.

*Please note: If you are submitting a request to become an Asset Authority for your department, you must select another existing Asset Authority from your department to approve the request. You may request to be both the Asset Authority and the Asset Coordinator for your department, but you must select an existing Asset Authority from your division to approve the request.


What are the features of this service?

Submitting this request enables permissions for an Asset Authority to access TIM Verify and, adds the Asset Authority to the Asset Authorities approval group to approve departmental computer transfers and requests to surplus equipment (computers, mobile devices, servers). 

Asset coordinators will be granted permissions to TIM Verify.

Who can request this service?

Faculty & Staff

Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for this service.