
Why request this service?

This service allows users to request the creation of new competitions, modifications to existing competitions, report system issues/errors, manage access, and ask for assistance with general questions.

What are the features of this service?

Direct interaction and communication with the system administrator in Research and Innovation, consolidates all communication into one platform for organization and historical purposes, and provides a one-stop- shop for all InfoReady service needs.

Who can request this service?

Faculty & Staff

*Please note: This service is primarily for current administrators. If you have a questions about competitions managed by Research & Administration, you may also use this service. If you have a question about a competition managed by your college or department, please reach out to your college/departmental administrator. If you are unsure about who to reach out to, you may also use this service.


Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for this service.

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