OneLAN Digital Signage Support Requests

Tags OneLAN

Why request this service?

OneLAN is the main digital signage solution for the majority of UNCW campus. OneLAN allows faculty and staff (and approved student workers) to update designated signage across campus using a secure, cloud-based web server, instead of using more labor-intensive and less secure signage methods such as USB sticks. This ticket can be requested if you are in need of the following:

  • New digital signage for your department (please include whether or not you need TVs and/or network ports installed, or if such infrastructure already exists).
  • Access to the OneLAN admin site in order to manage your existing digital signage
  • You have student workers who need to be added to the OneLAN admin site
  • Training for new users to the OneLAN service
  • Troubleshooting issues with your OneLAN service (e.g. digital signage isn't displaying or updating properly, student workers cannot access the OneLAN site, etc.)

Who can request this service?

Faculty, Staff and Students, or Faculty & Staff

Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for consults and troubleshooting. Additional costs may apply for equipment and/or installation where applicable.

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