Why request this service?
This service is designed to facilitate the distribution of YubiKeys for utilization by faculty and staff based on proven needs and business use cases.  Faculty and staff should request this service if current multi-factor authentication (MFA) options are inadequate for their specific business needs, required for access to external portals, negatively impact user experience to an extreme degree, are technically infeasible, or for similar reasons. In all cases, please provide the appropriate justification for the request. In the event justification is denied for the specific request, the department is still able to purchase a YubiKey for that user by completing this service request.
What are the features of this service?
Faculty and Staff, upon approval, will receive a YubiKey from TAC.
Who can request this service?
Faculty/Staff, IT Administrators, Students engaged in research, teaching, work-study, or work assistance.
Are there any fees or additional costs?
All requests will be reviewed by IT Security before approval. Any approved YubiKey service request may require payment from the requestor’s department, namely, if the justification for the YubiKey is solely based around personnel preferences for multi-factor authentication methodologies. All departments that purchase a YubiKey for the requester, will retain that key once the end user leaves, and it can be recycled to another user.
USB-A for $50.00
USB-C for $55.00
Other options that are available upon request