How Do I Verify Computer Assets In TIM Verify?


All assigned Asset Authorities and Coordinators have the ability to verify Computer Hardware Assets in the TIM Verification Application.

How to use the TIM Verify Application - Detailed Steps

You can watch a video tutorial to learn how to use the TIM Verify Application &  follow the instructions provided.

Getting Logged in & Navigating Your Way

  1.  Open the TIM Verify App.
  2. Authorized Users will see the following screen, click the "Continue" button to enter the app.  Users without permission will have a “Get more information” button that links to the "Roles & Responsibilities" page in the TIM Hub. You can review the roles authorized to use the app and find a link to request access to the TIM Verify app.

  3. You will see your department's asset screen.

    Image of the main landing page in the TIM Verify Application that shows the clients computer asset for their department in a gallery view.
  4. Navigating the screen.
  • Asset Information:  Details about the computer asset will be displayed here, including the make/model, last login user, purchase date/time, department the computer asset is assigned to and the building/location for the computer.  
  • Verified Display: 
    • If the computer asset has been verified you will see a green "checkmark".A green check indicates that the asset has been verified
    • If the computer asset has NOT been verified you will see a red "X". A red X indicates that the computer asset has not been verified
  • Connection Active Display: 
    • If the computer asset connection is current you will see a green "checkmark".A green check indicates that the asset has been verified
    • If the computer asset is NOT current you will see a red "X". A red X indicates that the computer asset has not been verified
  • Select Computer Asset: To see more details about the computer asset and update the asset information, click the blue "arrow".  TIMS Details Arrow, takes you to more details about the asset 

How to Filter the Assets

  1. At the bottom left of the Select Screen, above the buttons, is a filter bar. Assets can filter by Service Tag or Custodian Email. When text is entered, fuzzy search logic will begin filtering immediately. 

    Image of the TIM Verify Service tag/serial number and username name asset search option.
  2. At the bottom center of the Select Screen the total number of assets and the department that is associated with those assets is displayed. If you apply filters this information will update respectively. For example, the image below indicates that there are 118 assets for the Consulting Services Support Department.

Image of the bottom center to the main TIM verify page where the asset count and the related dertment are displayed.


How Do I Export to Excel?

You can export the computer asset information to an Excel spreadsheet to assist with verification, click the "Export to Excel" button.

TIMS Export Asset Information to Excel button


How Do I Add a Missing Asset?

If a computer asset is not found in the inventory and needs to be added, click the "Add Missing Asset" button.  A service request form will be presented to fill out for you to request the asset be added.



How Filters Work

  1. If you would like to navigate to the filter select screen, click 

  2. The Filters Screen provides options to the TIM Verify user. If the TIM Verify user is responsible for inventory in multiple departments, they can select their desired department from the drop-down menu. Inventory assets can filter further by using the checkboxes to the right of the Department drop-down menu. Checking the first check box displays all assets that are older than five years, the second displays all assets that are not connecting, and the third displays all assets that are out of warranty. The fourth displays all unverified or unknown assets. These checkboxes are selectable one at a time, two at a time, or all together and will filter assets accordingly. Results are cumulative, so each filter’s results are added when multiple filters are selected. To view the changes to filters or the department drop-down menu, click the "Return to Select Screen" button. The "Reset Filters" button will completely clear all filter checkboxes.  

    Image of the TIM Verify Filter View
  3. Use the arrows to scroll and see more of the computer assets for your department. Double arrows move to the first or last page. The current page number is provided for reference. 

    IMage of the TIMS scroll options
  4. To go to a specific page of assets use the "Go To Page" option, enter the page number, and click the button.

    IMage of the Go TO Page option in the TIM verify gallery

Asset Details & Update Screen

TIMS Asset Details View & Update Screen

  • System Details: 
    • contains information about the computer asset including the make/model, warranty end date, and purchasing details.
    • You can see if the verification is current or not, and if the asset has been verified you will see the name of the individual that completed the verification and when the last verification was completed.
    • The custodian details are specific to the individual that is the owner/user of the computer, their UNCW email address, UNCW department and the last login email.
  • Connection Active: displays a green check mark if the machine has logged into the UNCW network in the last 90 days, and a red X if not.
  • Verified?: displays a green check mark if the machine has been verified within the current cycle, and a red X if not.  Once the record has been verified the "verified by" and "verified on" information will update.
  • Update Record Field: 
    • Status Recorded: Is the last recorded status from the asset database.
    • Status - Select the status for the computer.
      • In Use = Computer is in Use
      • Inventory = Computer is in inventory
      • Surplus = If a computer was previously sent to the Surplus Warehouse. The date the computer was sent to Surplus is required in the comments box.
      • Unknown = Computer cannot be verified because the location of the computer is unknown. A comment must be selected prior to verifying the record.  
      • Misallocated = computer never belonged to the department. It was never sent to surplus or reported missing/stolen by anyone in the department. 
    • Classification - only required when the status of the computer is "In Use." Select the classification that best represents how the computer is used, the primary function of the computer. 
      • Employee - computers assigned to Faculty/Staff employees for individual user
      • Instructor Station - computers in a classroom used by instructors for teaching purposes.
      • Loaner - computers that are on loan from the department.
      • PCI Device - configured specifically for PCI compliance (credit cards, ticket sales)
      • Shared - used by multiple university employees (departmental laptop cart, departmental conference rooms, guest)
      • Speciality - computers used for a specific reason (DE control, Score Board, Electron Microscope, Vendor Supplied, Kiosks)
      • Student Station -  computers primarily used by students for academic use (labs, research/testing, learning commons, laptop carts).
      • Undefined - this is not a valid option to select.
    • Is Primary? (the question is only presented when the classification is "Employee").
      • Yes - the computer asset is the primary computer used by the Custodian/Owner/User
      • No - the computer is the secondary/tertiary/etc computer used by the Custodian/Owner/User. If the computer is used in a classroom or another function, you would also select "No."
      • None Selected - This is not a valid option to select.
    • You must also update the building, room and primary Owner/User/Custodian, and condition of the computer.

Time to Verify the Record

  1. Once you have completed reviewing the details about the computer asset and updating the asset record you will click "Verify Record".

    Verify Record button in TIMs that should be clicked after making reviewing the details of the asset.
  2. To return to the Select Screen, click "Return to Select Screen".



Once a computer asset is verified

  1. Verification Current Display turns from a red "X" to a green "checkmark".
  2. For a period of one week after verification:
    • Select Options are still editable.  Users can make changes.
    • The "Verify Record" button will still be active.  Users can verify again, with changes, if they wish to.

*Please note: After the record has been verified, there is a one-week window to make changes. Once the window has elapsed, the Details screen will be read-only, and the “Verify Record” button will be disabled and a red lock will appear at the top of the details screen.


If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.


Article ID: 150179
Thu 3/9/23 4:46 PM
Wed 2/14/24 11:35 AM

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