Technology Inventory Management Dictionary

Product Types Definitions
Desktops Computer hardware that utilizes Microsoft Windows OS or macOS.
Laptops Computer hardware that is portable and utilizes Microsoft Windows OS or macOS.
Tablets Mobile devices that are portable and utilize Android, Apple iOS, and Windows. There are also cellular enabled tablets.
Cell Phones Mobile devices that are primarily used as communication devices, not in the form of a laptop. A cell phone typically has access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.   
Printers A machine for printing text or pictures onto paper. 
Servers A computer program or device that provides service to another computer program and its users, also known as the client. In a data center, the physical computer that a server program runs on. 
Computer Manufactures & Product Models Every Computer Manufacture (ex: Dell, HP, Lenovo, Apple) may have several different product models. Typically a product model means a specific group of products which are highly similar in performance and features and will contain many common parts, but may vary in industrial design or minor features.
Custom Machine Details Definitions
Service Tag Established by the manufacturer of the machine. 
Serial Number Established by the manufacturer of the machine. Is a duplicate of the service tag. Service Tag/Serial Number should always match. 
Device Use Classification What is the primary purpose or use for the computer. Options are:

Instructor Station = computers in a classroom used by instructors for teaching purposes in a classroom.

Student Station = computers primarily used by students for academic use (labs, research/testing, learning commons, laptop carts)

Loaner = computer that is available from a loaner pool of equipment to be loaned to students, faculty or staff.

Employee = computers assigned to employees for individual use.

Speciality = computers used for a specific reason (DE control, Score Board, Electron Microscope, Vendor Supplied, Kiosks).

PCI Device = configured specifically for PCI compliance (credit cards, ticket sales).

Police Report = stolen and a police report has been filed.

Shared = machines shared between part-time employees, student employees, etc.
Product Model As determined by the Manufacturer
Status The status of an asset defines where the asset is in its Lifecycle.

New = asset has not yet been assigned a status, newly received asset just purchased.

Inventory = Assets that are not in use but are available for deployment.

In Use = asset is being used for a specific purpose and will be assigned a classification.

Surplus = asset has been sent to the Surplus Warehouse but has not yet been disposed.

Disposed = asset has been disposed of by UNCW.

Missing = asset cannot be located but the client doesn't believe it was stolen and a police report has not been filed.

Pending Transfer = request has been submitted to transfer the asset but has not yet been completed.

Unverified = asset has not been verified by the Asset Coordinator or Asset Authority during the verification process in TIM Verify.

Police Report = stolen and a police report has been filed.
Owning Acct/Dept The department that owns the asset.
Owner/User/Custodian The current registered user of the asset.
Location The current location/building of the asset, can be a building, special location, telework or unknown.
Location Room The current location/room, can be a building, special location, telework or unknown.
Condition Excellent = asset is in excellent working condition, most likely new and/or has never had any hardware trouble tickets opened for it.

Good = asset is in good working condition, most likely only one or two years old, may have a couple of hardware tickets open for it.

Fair = asset is in okay working condition, most likely two to four years old, approaching Lifecycle retirement, may have multiple tickets open or it.

Poor/Needs major repairs = asset is not in good working condition, needs major repairs, four plus years old, most likely approaching or past Lifecycle retirement, may have multiple hardware tickets open for it. Could be a computer that has just had major damage regardless of the age and tickets.

Not Working = not working at all. May not power up, nothing can be done to repair the asset.

Not Rated = the asset condition has never been rated.
Last LoginUser Last user that logged into the asset in the last (X) days
Visibility Indicates if the asset is currently active, last seen in 30,90, etc. days. 
Is Primary Machine Yes = primary asset assigned to the owner.
No =  the secondary asset assigned to the client.
Last Verified Date This is the date that the asset was last verified in TIM Verify.
Last Verified By This is the person that completed the verification of the asset in TIM Verify.
HD Disposal Bin Batch Number This field will be used for IT HAM Support to enter in the Bin number that the HD was placed in for disposal.
System Hardware Details Definitions
Processor Type Asset processor type
Physical Memory Storage Physical memory available for the asset
Hard Drive Information Details about the hard drive; serial number, size, interface, etc
Primary Hard Drive Model Model of the primary hard drive for the asset
Primary HDD Storage Size Available hard drive storage for the asset
MacAddress Unique address of the asset, assigned by the manufacturer
Operating System Windows or macOS based upon the operating system installed on the asset
Acquisition Details Definitions
PONumber Purchase order number
Purchase Cost Total cost of the asset
Requesting Acct/Dept Department that entered the request to purchase the asset
Requestor Individual in the department that entered the purchase request for the asset
Purchased as LifeCycle Yes or No as defined by Resource Management
Acquisition Date Date that the asset was purchased
Expected Replacement Date Date that the asset will most likely be life cycled, 5 years from the acquisition date
Warranty Information Definitions
Warranty Description Description of the warranty that was purchased with the asset
Warranty Type The type of warranty as described by the vendor
Warranty Activation When the warranty is available
Warranty Expiration When the asset is no longer covered by manufacturer warranty


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