Request for Assistance with Qualtrics Survey Design and Reporting

Why request this service?

To gain survey expertise on designing and administering Qualtrics surveys and assistance with the Qualtrics data analytics tools.

*Please note: This service should be used when you require consultation from our subject matter experts. If you are experiencing issues and errors with your survey software then please use the Issues & Errors with Survey Software service.

What are the features of this service?

Our subject matter experts can help with designing survey questions, adding embedded data to branching questions, setting up survey properties, setting up survey actions, assistance with administering your survey, and the data analytics tools.

*Tech Tip: You can also find multiple resources to assist you with creating surveys, distributing surveys, reporting options, and more.  Please see the How to Use Qualtrics knowledge base article.

Who can request this service?

Faculty, Staff, and Students

Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for this service.

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