Surplus Request for a Computer, Mobile Device, or Server

Why request this service?

Request this service if your department would like to retire a computer, mobile device, or server to Surplus Property.

*Please note: If you are disposing of a fixed asset computer or server (purchase amount was $5,000+) do not submit this request, please follow all Fixed Asset Disposal policies and procedures. 
How_to_dispose_of_fixed_asset.pdf (


What are the features of this service?

After the request is submitted your department's Asset Authority will receive an email notification asking them to approve or deny the request. Once the approval is complete the equipment must be stored in a secure location in your department until retrieved by Surplus Property staff. 

*Please note: To reassign a computer to a different person, new location or department, please submit a Computer Transfer Request


Who can request this service?

Faculty & Staff

Are there any fees or additional costs?

There are no fees or additional costs for this service.

Submit Request

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