Questions Answered in this Article
All faculty, staff and students have the ability to install JMP on personally-owned computers.
*Please note: If you suspect your account has not been created DO NOT click Create an Account, use your UNCW email. Instead, contact the Technology Assistance Center which can be found at and they can grant you access to your Adobe account.
Installing JMP on a Personally-Owned Windows PC
- If you are off-campus, please connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN). If you are on campus, proceed to step 2.
- Simultaneously press the "Windows" key (Windows logo) and "R" key on your keyboard. The Run window is displayed immediately.
- Enter “\\\SAS” (without quotes), and click “OK.”

- Authenticate with your UNCW account email address (e.g., and password if prompted.
- Navigate to the installation directory appropriate for your JMP version, and click on “setup.exe.”
- Because you are on a personally-owned computer, it may prompt you for your computer's administrator username/password. If you’re prompted to allow the program to make changes to your computer, select “Yes." Please know that it may take some time for the installation window to appear.
- Click "Next" when prompted.
- Select your desired installation preferences (e.g., languages, Excel add-in, 32/64-bit operating system), and choose “Next.”

- Click “Install.” It may take several minutes to install.
- Select “Create Desktop Shortcut” if desired and then “Finish.”
- Restart your computer if prompted.
- Open JMP, and select "Wait to Register." There is no need to register the JMP software with this installation. But you will need to manually renew the licence each year (see directions below).
Renew JMP License on a Personally-Owned Windows PC
*Please note:
- The initial installation of JMP will automatically license JMP until the last day of the year, 12/31. Afterwards, your license needs to be manually renewed each year.
- If your JMP license is past its expiration date, the first screen you see at JMP launch is a message that your JMP license is expired:
- For instructions on how to navigate to the License Files Folder, follow steps 1-4 above from the How do I Install and License JMP on personally-owned Windows PC? section.
- Navigate to the “license file” folder that is appropriate for the current year.
- Locate the license text (.txt) file. Copy and paste that file to a location that you can easily find, such as your desktop.

- Right-click the JMP icon on your computer, and select “Run as Administrator,” and then enter your computer's administrator username/password if prompted.
- Select “Open License” on the license expired window.
- Navigate to where you copied the license to in step 3, select it, and then click “Open.”
- Click “OK” on the prompt to enter an administrator name and department. No need to type in anything.
Installing JMP on a Personally-Owned Mac OS
- Go to Finder and click "Go" on the top of the screen.
- Click on "Connect to server".
- Enter “smb://” (without quotes) into the server column.

- Enter your UNCW account user name (e.g., and password. Then, select “Connect.”
- Navigate to the installation directory appropriate for your JMP version (make sure it is the Mac version).

- After opening this folder click through it until you reach the DMG file. Click on the DMG file and then click the package. Follow the installation process.

- Then, go to your applications folder and run JMP.
- If prompted, enter the username and password you use to log-into your Mac, and select “Install Software.” The installation will begin.
NOTE: Your Mac username and password may be different than your UNCW account.
- When prompted, click “OK” to allow the installer to complete the installation.
- Select “Close” after JMP is finished installing.
Renew JMP License on a Personally-Owned Mac OS
*Please note: The initial installation of JMP will automatically license JMP until the last day of the year, 12/31. Afterwards, your license needs to be manually renewed each year.
- For instructions on how to navigate to the License Files Folder, follow steps 1-4 above from the How do I Install and License JMP on personally-owned Mac OS? section.
- Navigate to the “license file” folder that is appropriate for the current year.
- Copy the desired license. Be sure it is labeled OSX and is the correct version of JMP.

- Paste the folder to an easy-to-access location on the device such as the desktop.
- When JMP prompts you for your license click on the open license button and then select the license.
- Click “OK” on the prompt to enter an administrator name and department. No need to type in anything.

- Click “OK” to acknowledge JMP has been successfully licensed.
If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.