All faculty and staff who have an active phone service can have voicemail set up.
*Please note: If the phone is not currently assigned to your name, please submit a service request.
On-campus Initial Voicemail Setup (Greeting & PIN)
- Press the messages button on your phone.
- Enter the default PIN number (12345), and press (#).
- The welcome tutorial will start.
- Record your first and last name, and press (#).
- Use the standard greeting of your name, or personalize your greeting by pressing (1) to record a greeting, then (#) to save.
- Change your PIN, confirm and press (#).
TECH TIP: A PIN must have a minimum of 4 characters (trivial PINs are allowed).
- At the directory listing prompt, continue by pressing (#).
- Remain on the line until you hear that you have completed enrollment.
Off-campus Initial Voicemail Setup (Greeting & PIN)
- Call 910-962-8888.
- During the system message, as soon as the message starts playing, press the (*) key.
- Enter your ID / 5-digit extension, and press (#).
- Enter your default PIN number (12345), and press (#).
- The welcome tutorial will start. Record your first and last name, and press (#).
- Use the standard greeting of your name, or personalize your greeting by pressing (1) to record a greeting, then (#) to save.
- Change your PIN, confirm and press (#).
TECH TIP: A PIN must have a minimum of 4 characters (trivial PINs are allowed).
- At the directory listing prompt, continue by pressing (#).
- Remain on the line until you hear that you have completed enrollment.
*Please note: You may also manage your voicemail options, user settings and greetings, and you can reset your PIN through the online Voicemail Self Care Portal (log in using your UNCW username [e.g., sammyseahawk] and password). You must be on-campus or connected to the VPN (Virtual Private Network) if you are off-campus.
Delete Voicemails
*Please note: If you receive emails regarding your voicemail quota, your mailbox is full. Messages need to be deleted.
There are 3 ways to delete voicemails:
- Call voicemail (ext. x28888 on-campus; 910-962-8888 off-campus), and follow the prompts to listen and delete messages. Review the above voicemail setup instructions for more details.
- If you receive voicemails in your email, delete the emails from your inbox, and then delete them from the "deleted items" folder, so they are permanently deleted.
- While on-campus or connected to the VPN (Virtual Private Network) from off campus, log in to the Voicemail Self Care Portal using your UNCW username (e.g., sammyseahawk) and password. Voicemails can be deleted from the "Web Inbox" section. You can also reset your PIN through the portal.
TECH TIP: If the portal does not work with your credentials, please submit a service request to set up your voicemail permissions.
If you need further assistance, please submit a service request or CHAT with TAC.